Randi Tytingvåg Trio - Trøsteviser for redde netter [Comforting songs for daunting nights]

Listen/BuyRandi Tytingvag Trio has created a unique soundscape inspired by folk and jazz.
Xango Music
Release number: FXCD481
Release date: 17.09.2021
An album full of passion, comfort and belief in the future
The Randi Tytingvåg Trio is now releasing its first album in Norwegian. Very eager to play again after a corona-imposed dry spell, they have used this downtime to create a special and fully acoustic sound that borders between ballads, folk and jazz. This time they have invited eminent guest musicians such as Nils Økland, Vidar Kenneth Johansen and Børge Fjordheim. Their sound is like a small chamber orchestra with great dynamic range.
“Trøsteviser for redde netter” expresses a message that Randi has personally experienced. Early during the pandemic she was informed that she had to undergo a risky brain operation that could lead to loss of hearing, facial paralysis and poor balance. This could have robbed her of any further career in music. Gratefully, the operation was a success and she is now back to doing what she loves doing – even more passionately!
”I’m immensely grateful that I can continue to work as a singer-songwriter. I have recieved fantastic and really god help! I sincerely hope that the songs on the new album can help to create some hope for the times ahead that we are all facing,” says Randi when looking back at the past year.
Randi has written all the music apart from the song “Røtter og vinger” [Roots and wings], which is a new interpretation of the classic “Always On My Mind”. She has written the lyrics in close collaboration with the poet Helge Torvund. Together they have written comforting songs throughout the year. They span her personal history and the unpredictable times we find ourselves in. The songs have an undertone of vulnerability, but also express the hope that perhaps better things lie ahead. Comfort may bring us closer to each other.
The Randi Tytingvåg Trio is Randi Tytingvåg (vocals), Dag Vagle (guitar, mandola, vocals, backing vocals), and Erlend E. Aasland (tenor guitar, octave tenor guitar, banjo, cello banjo, mandola and backing vocals)
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